لیست مقالات

« Received Abstracts »
RowTitlePresenting AuthorScientific ChapterAffiliation
1 Neuroimaging of love: Love like Cocaine in brain Elikaeimoghadam Maryam Motivation and Emotion -
2 Emotional and psychological violence versus physical violence: its role in regulating the emotions and motivations of couples Eskandari Faeze Motivation and Emotion -
3 The effects of marijuana treatment on the spatial learning and memory in the Alzheimer disease model: the role of cannabis receptors and BDNF protein Chahkandi Mohadeseh Learning and Memory -
4 Neural Mechanisms Underlying Stress Resilience: A Review Karimiafshar Shima Neural Basis of Human Behavior -
5 The Role of Working Memory in Reading Problems of Students with Dyslexia: A Systematic Literature Review Ramezanidoroh Malihe Working Memory -
6 Nanocurcumin substantially alleviates noise stress-induced anxiety-like behavior: The roles of tight junctions and NMDA receptors in the hippocampus Alinaghipour Azam Stress and the Brain (Stress-modulated Pathways,  Stress and Cognition,  Stress Related Disorders) -
7 Executive functions in children with sensory neural hearing loss (SNHL) Hajjari Nazanin Executive Function (Decision Making, Reasoning, Problem Solving) -
8 Cognitive Reserve in the Aging Population Without Dementia Hajjari Nazanin Cognitive Aging -
9 Investigating the effect of ghrelin on improving memory and learning ability in animals: A systematic review Farzin Mohaya Behavioral Pharmacology -
10 Investigating the Effect of Cognitive Challenges on Quantitative EEG Pattern Bayat Ahmad Attention -
11 The effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on the pattern of alpha and theta brain waves and the process of the attention network in patients with major depressive disorde Gholipourfallahy Mohammadreza Attention -
12 "Harnessing Brain Plasticity: The Transformative Role of Physical Activity in Cognitive Health" Karimiafshar Shima Other -
13 Sleep quality and information process speed in multiple sclerosis; a systematic review and meta-analysis Naseri Amirreza Cognitive Disorders -
14 The Role of Neuroplasticity in Depression and Treatment Sarahroodi Shadi Mood Disorders -
15 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) for Panic Disorder: A Case Study Gholipourfallahy Mohammadreza Anxiety Disorders and PTSD -
16 Comparison of existential anxiety in urban and rural elderly Mirkhan Iraj Anxiety Disorders and PTSD -
17 Compulsive Disorder in Dogs: A Review of Genetic and Environmental Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Abdollahi Mohamadreza Obsessive Compulsive Disorders -
18 Assessing Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Crack Heroin Users: Implications for Withdrawal Severity Charkhat Gorgich Enam Alhagh Addiction (Drug, Alcohol, Internet, Food) and Gambling -
19 A new neural diathesis-stress model of cannabis addiction based on the diurnal cortisol pattern and childhood maltreatment in users Pirnia Bijan Addiction (Drug, Alcohol, Internet, Food) and Gambling -
20 Predicting Women's Marital Conflicts Based On Sexual Schemas And Emotional Distress With The Mediation Of Sexual Relations In Women Who Are Victims Of Violence Alinezhad Leyla Other -
21 The modulatory effect of exercise on the endocannabinoid signaling pathway in the epileptic rats Karimzadeh Fariba Channels, Receptors, Transporters, -
22 The effect of different patterns of intermittent fasting diet on the convulsive behaviors: the possible role of glutamic acid decarboxylase enhancement Karimzadeh Fariba Channels, Receptors, Transporters, -
23 The Effects of the Fraction Isolated from Iranian Buthotus shach Scorpion Venom on Synaptic Plasticity, Learning, Memory, and Seizure Susceptibility Heidarli Elmira Synaptic Transmission and Synaptic Plasticity -
24 Decreased mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channel contributes to exacerbating seizure and neuronal loss in epilepsy: the role of KIR6.1/ SUR2B subunits Mohammadkhanizadeh Ali Seizure and Epileptic Disorders -
25 Evaluation of the Delaying Effects of Piroxicam on Seizure Onset in the Pentylenetetrazole-Induced Seizure Model in Wistar Rats VesaliMahmoud Ali Seizure and Epileptic Disorders -
26 The Neuroprotective effects of astaxanthin supplement against epilepsy in pregnancy period - a review BagheriTadi Fatemeh Seizure and Epileptic Disorders -
27 Evaluation of the role of oxidative stress and brain cytokines in the effect of recombinant human interleukin-2 on seizures induced by maximal electroshock in mice Fathi Morteza Seizure and Epileptic Disorders -
28 Comparison of quantitative-Electroencephalogram (q-EEG) measurements between patients of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson disease dementia (PDD) Rezvanfard Mehrnaz Brain Mapping    (MRI, fMRI, PET, Brain Mapping, EEG, EMG, QEEG, FNIRS) -
29 Glioma theranostics; Where We Stand and Future Directions Rustamzadeh Auob Brain Mapping    (MRI, fMRI, PET, Brain Mapping, EEG, EMG, QEEG, FNIRS) -
30 Brain-to-brain Interface systems; A historical review for future goals Vakilipour Pouya Brain Machine Interface and Neuroengineering -
31 Brain-to-brain Interface systems; A historical review for future goals Vakilipour Pouya Brain Machine Interface and Neuroengineering -
32 Mecamylamine: Transitioning from Antihypertensive Agent to Potential Neurological Therapy Safary Mahdiyeh Drug Discovery and Neuropharmacology -
33 Electrophysiological and Neuroimaging Technologies in Neuropsychology Kafilian Ali Other -
34 Effects of Dietary Probiotic Mixture on STZ-Induced Alzheimer-Like Model in Rat: A Behavioral, Biochemical, and Stereological Approach Nabizadeh zolpirani Ardeshir Neurodegenerative Disorders -
35 Investigating of the Effect of Thalamotomy Surgery on Working Memory Mohammadpour Esfahan Shahrzad Neurodegenerative Disorders -
36 The neuroprotective effect of Diosgenin in the rat Valproic acid model of autism Naghdi badi Mohammed Reza Neurotoxicity, Neuroprotection, Inflammation -
37 Impact of Toll-like receptor 4 inhibitor agents on the size of infarction volume and neurological functions in rodent ischemic stroke models: a systematic review and meta-analysis Abbasalizadeh Mohammad Ischemia, Stroke, and Neurovascular Disorders -
38 Investigating the effect of isorhamentin on testis fertility markers in rat cerebral ischemia model Dehghaninejad Ali Ischemia, Stroke, and Neurovascular Disorders -
39 Neuroprotective effects of quercetin on hippocampal CA1 neurons following middle cerebral artery ischemia-reperfusion induction in male rats: a behavioral, biochemical and histological study Ghadirzadeh Erfan Ischemia, Stroke, and Neurovascular Disorders -
40 Long non-coding RNA H19: Insights into its Role in Ischemic Stroke and Neuroprotection Anbiyaee Omid Ischemia, Stroke, and Neurovascular Disorders -
41 Emerging roles of long non-coding RNA NEAT1 in ischemic stroke Farzaneh Maryam Ischemia, Stroke, and Neurovascular Disorders -
42 Evaluation of Trans Sodium Crocetinate (TSC) in a Rat Model of Focal Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: neurological function, histopathological changes, and oxidative stress analysis GhasemzadehRahbardar Mahboobeh Ischemia, Stroke, and Neurovascular Disorders -
43 Neuroprotective Potential of Conditioned Medium from Adipose and Liver Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Rat Model of Global Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Khoshnam SeyedEsmaeil Ischemia, Stroke, and Neurovascular Disorders -
44 The effect of Opuntia Ficus Indica hybrid nanoparticles on the neurological defects of ischemic stroke in male Wistar rat Sadeghian Zahra Ischemia, Stroke, and Neurovascular Disorders -
45 Effects of acetyl-l-carnitine on histopathology and myelin-related gene expression of corpus callosum in the demyelinated mouse model Gharighnia Sanaz Demyelinating Disorders -
46 The impacts of acetyl-l-carnitine on functional recovery and oxidative stress level in a demyelinated mouse model Gharighnia Sanaz Demyelinating Disorders -
47 Effects of chronic demyelination on testosterone level and hypothalamus histopathology in C57BL/6 mouse model Mirab SeyedMohammadhadi Demyelinating Disorders -
48 Effects of bromelain on the model of Parkinsonism: A review Sadeghi Zahra Demyelinating Disorders -
49 The Efficacy of Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (BTKIs) in Multiple Sclerosis Treatment: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials TavakoliFar Fateme Demyelinating Disorders -
50 Effects of acetyl-L-carnitine on nitric oxide level and prefrontal cortex histopathology following C57BL/6 mice cuprizone intoxication Zolfaghari Amin Demyelinating Disorders -
51 Impact of Demographic and Prenatal Factors During Pregnancy on Autism Risk in Children: Evidence from Golestan Province EmamiPari Fatemeh Neurodevelopmental Disorder ( ADHD,  Autism,  Learning Disorders) -
52 The Impact of the Cognitive Learning Model on Phonological Awareness in Autistic Children Moghaddamnia Masoud Neurodevelopmental Disorder ( ADHD,  Autism,  Learning Disorders) -
53 The Impact of the Cognitive Learning Model on Phonological Awareness in Autistic Children Moghaddamnia Masoud Neurodevelopmental Disorder ( ADHD,  Autism,  Learning Disorders) -
54 Status of circadian rhythm preferences and working memory performance in adults with symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a review Pournemat Mahsa Neurodevelopmental Disorder ( ADHD,  Autism,  Learning Disorders) -
55 Neurofeedback as a Treatment Intervention in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review Rostami MohammadTaha Neurodevelopmental Disorder ( ADHD,  Autism,  Learning Disorders) -
56 Serotonergic Modulation of Visual Processing: A Review Study Noursina Sahar Vision -
57 Lumbar disc rehabilitation and back pain with manual therapy and electrotherapy Gholipourfallahy Mohammadreza Sensory and Sensory Integration Disorders -
58 Potential Therapeutics for Inflammatory Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative and Infectious Diseases: Evaluating Ketoprofen, Thalidone, and Cromolyn in ALS, MS, and Sepsis EmamiPari Fatemeh Modeling and Simulation -
59 The study of brain oscillations with the approach of disease spreading models in inhibitory networks Hoseini Anisi Mohammad Modeling and Simulation -
60 The photobiomodulation in chronic insomnia Mehdizadeh Masoud Psycho-cognitive Rehabilitation -
62 Neuroplasticity: the reparability of the brain is a huge ability! Elikaeimoghadam Maryam Other -
63 Neurotwin: The most exciting project in the field of artificial intelligence and neuroscience Elikaeimoghadam Maryam Converging Technologies    (NBIC: Nano-Biotech-Information-Cognitive), euroscience and Nanotechnology, Neuroscience and Biotechnology, Neural Tissue Engineering -
64 Global threat of COVID‐19 for central and peripheral nervous system Sadeghi Zahra Covid-19 and Nervous System: Basic and Clinical Aspects -



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