Ahwazi Young Investigator Award
Ahwazi Young Investigator Award, was founded by َ"Iranian Neuroscience Society" with financial support of "Iranain Council for Cognitive Science and Technnologies", with the aim of encouraging the young researchers, appreciation their efforts, and preparing a frindly scientific atmosphere to exchange their knowledge and experiences. The name of award was taken from the name of Iranain great physician and psychologist, Ali-ibn-al Abbas al-Majusi (Ahwazi, died 982-994), also known as Masoudi or Latinaized as "Haly Abbas", most famous for the Kitab-al-Maliki, or "Complete Book of Medical Art", his text book in medicine and psychology.
This anuual awrad was dedicated to elected young researchers below 35 Y/O during BCNC congress. In 2023, six prominent researchers with outstanding help in solving domestic problems or prominent translational value of their work, will be awarded in five main domains of: Cellular and Molecular; Behavioral; Cognitive; Clinical; and Computational Neuroscience.
Secretary: Ali Shahbazi, PhD. Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Deputy: Fatemeh Tirgar, PhD. Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran